Fun first warrant canary on YouTube

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Fun first warrant canary on YouTube

Postby WaywardGeek » Mon Jun 09, 2014 4:30 am



EDIT: I changed the link to my personal YouTube account, which is more appropriate.
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Re: Fun first warrant canary on YouTube

Postby compul » Mon Jun 09, 2014 4:38 am

This cracked me up!


We'll have to think about those though, considering publicity and being taken seriously. Maybe first set it to private, discuss it with the other devs, and then do it a little more official if we decide to do it. E.g. I would propose to do one video for all of us. I.e. someone collects those little statements from us each week and compiles them into one.
Tweeting it under the ciphershed name sure was a big step to take.
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Re: Fun first warrant canary on YouTube

Postby Resonance » Mon Jun 09, 2014 8:35 pm

No, a canary is like this:

Did you sleep with the accuser in Los Angeles?
I'll remain silent.

Did you sleep with the accuser in Chicago?
I'll remain silent.

Did you sleep with the accuser in New York?
I'll remain silent.

Did you sleep with the accuser in Dallas?
I'll remain silent.

Did you sleep with the accuser in Atlanta?
No! Who do you think I AM!? That's just insulting! No. Seriously, no!
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Re: Fun first warrant canary on YouTube

Postby WaywardGeek » Tue Jun 10, 2014 12:52 pm

Resonance wrote:No, a canary is like this:

Did you sleep with the accuser in Los Angeles?
I'll remain silent.

Did you sleep with the accuser in Chicago?
I'll remain silent.

Did you sleep with the accuser in New York?
I'll remain silent.

Did you sleep with the accuser in Dallas?
I'll remain silent.

Did you sleep with the accuser in Atlanta?
No! Who do you think I AM!? That's just insulting! No. Seriously, no!

Sorry, but that's too funny not to repost! How do you twitter something this long?
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