Hi Compul,
I have a few critiques that might improve the website
Banner: Secure Encryption Software
"CipherShed is completely free encryption software for keeping your data secure and private. Learn how to use CipherShed."
It would be better to say Beta software or something similar, because any changes to the TC software could accidentally break security.
The security audit is not complete, so technically neither TC nor Ciphershed are verified software, therefore I strongly recommend to use the term security software, not secure software, or keep your data secure. Even if the TC passes with flying colors, Csh would need to undergo a similar process because, as well all know, even a single line of mistake in code can break the security of the final product.
Smaller issues
Your link to the Forum, is not a link to the forum.
I assume your phrase "CipherShed is available for Windows, Mac and Linux." means that Beta builds will be available very soon. Otherwise the word available looks strange in this context.