List of Rejected items (read before you post!)

Heated discussions about long term goals please. Pretty much everything goes.

List of Rejected items (read before you post!)

Postby compul » Tue Jun 10, 2014 1:29 pm

These requests were regarded as either not feasible or not desirable by one or probably more members of the team.

Please do read this carefully and do not request them again. We do not reject requests just because we feel like it, but only when after careful evaluation we come to the conclusion that they are not in the interests of CipherShed.

  • Dropping support for Windows
    Portability and the huge audience of Windows users have been among TrueCrypts greatest features, and CipherShed will strive to preserve that.
  • Dropping support for this algorithm or that feature
    Backwards compatibility is very important for usability. While we may deprecate certain features for security reasons, we will still keep backwards-compatibility for them if it is in any way possible.
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